Monday, March 28, 2011

New Adventures

Well I am on my second week of being a stay at home mom and I love it! People say I will get bored but right now Im just enjoying my freedom. I started talking to a dear friend of mine and have decided to start making some kids applique and monogrammed type clothes. Not sure where it will take us but we are excited and it keeps us busy. Im looking forward to making some throw pillows for each room of the house :) We even have some office space to spread out and get busy creating so Im super excited to see what all we do. Of course I will post pics! I hear its suppose to be sunny this weekend which is a good thing because I have tons to spray paint. I have so many projects to finish and the weather has not been nice. I also need to get out in my yard and become one with the weeds. Anyone is free to join me :) Now Im going back to Etsy to find more applique designs for our shirts. Stay tuned for the facebook page and let me know if you need anything lol Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Really glad you are enjoying your time. That's the spirit - making the most of what you have been handed! That's one of the things I love about you!
